That of Nanis is a tale made of passion, of special people, of beauty. It is the story of a dream: to give new life to the jewel, rewriting it not only from the aesthetic point of view but also in its deep soul. It is no coincidence that one of the very first jewels that Laura conceived was the iconic "Trasformista", the bracelet that completely changes shape with a touch, almost by magic. It was a creation that was the fruit of instinct and creativity, but it was also a kind of manifesto. Back in 1995, for Laura and Nanis the time had already come for the jewel to start adapting to women, and no longer the other way around.

Da sempre, le collezioni NANIS raccontano di un gioiello rinnovato e contemporaneo.
La versatilità, nel DNA dell’azienda, trova un'espressione maestosa e abbraccia l'eleganza nella collezione TRASFORMISTA, insignita del CENTURION AWARD nel 2016 e dell’INHORGENTA AWARD nel 2018.
A renderla unica, i suoi iconici gioielli che con un semplice tocco, quasi per magia, cambiano completamente trasformandosi da bracciali in collane, da eleganti a casual. O ancora la collana IVY, un filo di perle d’oro aperto alle più svariate possibilità…