Luce: a precious constellation

Introducing LUCE necklace, a jewel in which gold and diamonds turn into stars and dedicated to the invisible bonds that connect them...
What's more magical than a sky full of stars? What’s more exciting than those infinite sparks of light that have always observed us, even before we were born? A space to imagine, to dream, to express one's wishes, to make a promise, to feel small and big at the same time.
The sky: a mysterious place, made magical by its bright stars, united by invisible lines in wonderful constellations ...
After all, have you ever noticed that it is precisely the invisible things that really bond us? Nothing can hold us closer to each other than the love behind a hug, the warmth of a kiss, the roar of laughter. Invisible plots that get us together even when we are far away, that bind us indissolubly, making us shine just like stars in the sky.
And it is precisely by the magic of a starry sky and the charm of millenary constellations that our new "LUCE" (Light in Italian ) is inspired: a necklace that is a constant dance, an ongoing movement. A jewel entirely handmade and available in two sizes, one larger and one smaller, where the diamonds and gold boules almost seem to float on the skin, constantly transforming into something new.
A constellation, a delicate caress of stars connected by an invisible golden thread...
LUCE is our interpretation of the classic diamond pendant: a sparkling triangle with 2 boules in diamonds and one in 18kt gold at its vertices, and in which the delicate gold chain that unites them, once placed on the skin, seems to almost disappear letting only the boules shine. This is why our designer Laura likes to define this necklace a "tattoo". A masterpiece of craftsmanship ready to gracefully decorate your skin, but which unlike a real tattoo changes and is expressed in different versions depending on your look or on the occasions, with just a simple move!
Three gold small rings make this necklace extremely versatile and open to the most diverse interpretations, from a softer one to a sensual chocker. Versatility also characterized the earrings from the same collection, which change their length depending on how you use the adjustable ring.
To distinguish the necklace LUCE, the unmistakable shape of the inverted triangle, which has always represented women as bearers of life and as creative energy.
After all, aren't women exactly this?